
Upcoming Events

Check Instagram (@pennengineering council) and the SEAS weekly newsletter for updates on upcoming events!

Past Events

Student Professor and Advanced Registration Coffee Chats

This initiative, organized by the Academic Mentorship committee, helped students connect with both peer and faculty mentors. Participants had the opportunity to chat with upperclassmen for advice on course registration, as well as faculty members from each of the six departments. Coffee chats were hosted right by campus at Federal Donuts and free refreshments were provided.

Cracking the Technical Interview

This event gave an overview of the technical interview process. We discussed proven strategies, essential tips, and valuable resources to help students confidently tackle coding interviews at top companies.

LinkedIn and Interview Workshop

This workshop organized by PD was a great two day event. The first day was a workshop explaining how to effectively use LinkedIn to get your profile noticed and network professionally. The second day was a Interview workshop to help students from all years and background practice for interviews. There were engaging activities like 30 second elevator pitches, 3 on 1 interviews with seasoned PEC members, and tips for interview etiquette.

Abroad Panel

This panel organized by the Academic Mentorship committee gave SEAS undergraduates the opportunity to ask questions to both SEAS upperclassmen across a variety of majors and a representative from Penn Abroad. 

LinkedIn Photoshoot

The LinkedIn Photoshoot is an opportunity for engineering students to take professional headshots. This event is hosted semi-annually by the Marketing Committee.

Majors Fair

The Majors Fair is a great way to learn all about the majors Penn Engineering offers. You’ll have the chance to talk with upperclassmen representatives from each major, as well as a SEAS undergraduate academic advisor. Whether you’re undecided, thinking of switching majors, or just want to learn more about your own major and opportunities within Penn Engineering, this event is for you! Buffet-style food will be provided, so encourage your friends to stop by, grab some food, and have a great time!

PEC Tech Tutorials

This series of online tutorials is lead by PEC’s technology committee. This ongoing series provide short tutorials on various helpful technology tools.

  1. Git Version Control

  2. Personal Website Building (HTML)

  3. Personal Website Building (CSS)

  4. Personal Website Building (Deployment)